The most important purchase a family will make in their lifetime is usually their home. First time buyers struggle to save enough for a minimum daown payment, usually 10% to 20% of th sales price or enough so they will qualify for the financing. John Donahue, owner and broker of BreakPoint Loans & Acquisition, offers over 33 years of experience in both sales and finance. The company's sole purpose is to work with each individual customer to meet those challenges and obtain the desired goal.
John Donahue helps procure the best loan for each customer. He has been a residential and comercial broker since 1976. John originally worked in the corporate world and then brought his business savvy to real estate. He states and believes that "When you deal with an educated professional, the final result can only be positive."
Another benefit of consulting with BreakPoint Loans & Acquisitions is their access to a wide range of wholesale lenders, as opposed to a bank, which is limited to representing just one institution. Some folks may have less than excellent credit and when they apply for a loan, points are added because of the extra risk. This can be a problem for the borrower. BreakPoin Loans wants to work with these borrowers anfd do the best they can to lower cost as much as possible.
BreakPoint Loans has been in operation since 1994, focusing mainly in the area of hard money financing funded by private investors, and conventional financing. If you're looking at either buying a home or refinancing your existing home, let BreakPoint Loans & Acquisitions help you. They will start you off with a loan application (a profile of your assets and liabilities) and subsequently obtain a credit report to establish your credit history (positive or negative), along with your debt level to establish just what you qualify for in regards to financing. Once underwritten, they can best advise you as to term and conditions and types of loan programs available to you. Once the loan is approved, loan documents are drawn and sent to the escrow company to be executed by the appropriate parties. The most important action a potential borrower will take is to seek out a company with experience who understands their needs.
BreakPoint Loans & Acquisitions can be reached at:
by mail: 2033 Ralston Avenue PMB 144
Belmont, CA 94002-1737
by phone: (650)533-7238
by fax: (650)593-4082
by email: